Author Archive


December 3rd, 2013

Me and Bernadette, working it at the Melbourne Cup, Allan Scott, Fiddlesticks collaboration, where I won a prize for the Best Wow Factor outfit!    

Union Jax : Book Launch

November 11th, 2013

Words cannot describe how proud I am of my immensely anticipated 2nd book, Union Jax : Back to Blighty. We had such an amazing time.  The Reading Room at Bloody Mary’s was the perfect location as hosts. Everyone turned up and we had a ball. Perhaps one Pimms to many?

Good Morning! Good Morning!

November 4th, 2013

Love my Good Morning family, it’s giggles and nibbles all the way with Jeanette, Sally-Ann, Astar and the crew. Love it. Yes, it’s live, but that makes me feel real. Here I am cooking up a storm for International Day, the classic and traditional Ackee and Salt Fish (thanks again by the way Dave and…

Auckland Weekend Getaway!!

October 13th, 2013

17th October: Last year H and I went stateside and whilst there, stopped in LA and took in the Cirque de Soleil, Michael Jackson: Immortal Tour and it was sensational.  Performed at the Staples Centre, in front of  a 70,000 strong crowd. I vowed then if it ever came to NZ then I wouldn’t miss it…

SeaFest or Bust!

October 5th, 2013

Seafest 2012 was such a load of fun, that organiser Janice invited me back this year 2013, not only to do another 3 cooking demo’s in the Cuisine tent but also to present my Jerk Station! People if you’ve never been to Kaikoura then, stick it on your bucket list and no matter where in…